Special Effects

  • Fog
  • Flashing Lights
  • Brief Loud Noises
  • Temporary Low Light
  • Laser Gun


  • Group of at least 4 people (Not required)


  • $35/person
  • Minimum charge of 3 people
  • All bookings are PRIVATE!



This is a high stakes mission!

You and your team of agents have been caught in a foreign land. You face the charge of Espionage, punishable by death!

You must escape the prison and infiltrate the enemy’s rocket lab! Dismantle the alarm. Escape to the rendezvous point.

Gather your team and report to HQ to receive your briefing and start your mission!


You will find a briefcase to help you along your mission complete with a device to help you hack open their terminal.

BEWARE! The lab may be protected by toxic gases and laser traps!